Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Extra Degree

Putting in a little bit off effort can go a long way. Making yourself put in a gradual effort to achieve a goal can mean a big difrence. This message is telling me that i can achieve at a high standard if i put a good amount of effort in to achieving the goals i want to reach. A little bit more effort extending your high standard of effort can mean a huge difference in placing and in life. If your time on athletics day for a 100 metre sprint is 11.2 seconds and you are wanting to beat the first place person who only beat you by .30 of a second, putting in the extra effort can mean a huge difference to the results at the end of your race. That little amount of effort may have made a huge difference in score. Certain people in society assume it's to hard and give up when all they need to do is step up and improve goals by giving a little more effort. This message influences me to try harder and achieve goals that i myself had thought were impossible when all it should take is the extra degree.

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