Monday, July 14, 2008

Freyas Trip! Part 1

My girlfriend went on a trip to Europe, Travelling throughout many of the countries that are situated in europe. She started her trip on the 31st of May heading on a plane transferring in dubai to head over to italy. She landed in Fiumicino International Airport, in rome, on the 1st of June. She headed off to a hostel and stayed there for a few nights while going on an open tour in rome visiting the colosseum, Trevi fountain and much more. Once she spent her nigts in rome, she headed up to pisa and saw the Leaning Tower, then headed up further to lucca on a tour and visiting a school following the guidelines within the school. She moved on up even further to visit firnze florence to see many more sights that it had to offer. After sailing past the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, the resort, the boat arrives in Murano, known throughout the world for its glass manufacturing industry. Here we stop for around 40 minutes to visit one of the factories. The second stop is at the picturesque island of Burano, famous not only for its lace but also for the fishermen's houses painted in bright colours. The stop will last about 30 minutes. Then after a short cruise, we reach Torcello, the earliest centre of civilization in the estuary. Only the Cathedral with its magnificent mosaics and the church of Santa Fosca remain as testimony of its former glory. The stop will be for about 30 minutes then we return to St. Marks Square. She spent the time there touring then when she had finished her time in venice it was time to head over to England.

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