Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Ocean

Oceans have specs of sparkling dew arising from the depths of the sea floor.
Tremendous waves crash onto the beach repetitively as they are forced from behind

The sun radiates its glow over the surface of the water making it look calm and as flat as a stone bench.
Cliffs overlook the misty water as it collides with the walls.
The impact throws the water over the cliffs and onto the grassy hills.
The sparkle of the water levitating into the air making an aluminous glow over the horizon.

The luscious dew had a soul of its own releasing its amazing spirits in the air.
Day after day it repeats making it more beautiful as it continues.
Then all of a sudden half the sun drops under the earths surface and shimmers across the horizon as it peers into the night.

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